What can we do during this period of a lockdown or stay-at-home order?
It must be very difficult for people who are not used to staying at home like it is now required. It is not our choice, rather, it is the only way to break the chain of spreading the Coronavirus. I’ve received many messages and phone calls from friends and devotees from all over the world. They are saying that they are very bored, lonely, and isolated with the stay-at-home or lockdown orders. I am sure many others are in the same situation and have similar feelings. Not only are people bored, lonely and isolated, but also feeling fearful with the COVID-19 news and messages that are constantly being shown on social media, our phones, and our TVs.
How we can stay with peace of mind during this lockdown with isolation from work and social activities? It is possible for us to have peace of mind during this time. I would like to share with you, my Facebook friends, suggestions that I have shared with my friends and devotees. I hope they can bring you peace of mind during this time:
1). Now is the best time to have togetherness time with your family, which we can't have while we have our normal work and life schedules. We should cherish this togetherness time with loving family members.
2) Listen to news only once or twice about the Coronavirus per day, so you can keep yourself up to date. Do not be glued to social media or the TV with COVID-19 news 24/7, this will create more fear, depression, and anxiety in our mind.
3) Use this time as an opportunity to cook those recipes you have, do a spring cleaning of your house, practice yoga, and meditation; all of which we find difficult to make time to do during our daily normal working days. We also can teach our children housework like cleaning, cooking, etc., which can be very useful and important in our daily lives.
4) It is time to bring out your hidden skills like painting, music, singing, chanting, and meditation. I am sure everyone has skills and hobbies which you often do not have an opportunity and time to work on it. Doing so will bring lots of joy to you and everyone in the family. Try it and enjoy it.
5) It is time to play games with family members. Games like playing cards, carrom board, puzzles, dice, etc. It will help everyone in the family to have fun and make this time more enjoyable. Regardless if you want this lockdown or not, it’s going to happen. Since we have time to kill- have some fun and happy times with your loving family members! Make this a time that your children will look back at with not fear, or anxiety, but a time that they had the opportunity to enjoy spending with their parents- making the most of it and having fun and happy times with loving family members.
6) We know that we must protect ourselves on the outside- stand 6 feet away, wash your hands, cough into your elbow, etc., but it is also the time to protect ourselves on the inside- make sure you are eating healthy and getting enough sleep. We are so used to being busy and working hard for our family to maintain our lives. Now, we have the opportunity to rest and recharge our energy battery. Once this lockdown is over, we can work hard to recover from the economic crisis.
7) It is also a time to appreciate those real-life heroes who work on the frontlines to take care of the people affected by this virus-doctors, nurses, police, leaders and experts. May they be safe and healthy.
May everyone be safe, happy and healthy whether you are at work or home. Enjoy your life.
With Metta
Xianzhong Shi
With Metta
Xianzhong Shi
2019 七月十五日供僧
在農歷七月十五日「佛歡喜日」,乃是安居圓滿的僧自恣日,又是佛教盂蘭盆節,在此殊勝日子裹,聚集了四方大眾 127位佛弟子供養僧寶,今年更供養有南傳、漢傳、藏傳佛教的 33 所寺院眾僧。
今年冥陽兩利的「佛歡喜日」盛舉,供養了以下33 所寺院,合所有寺院力量,回向給世界和平、和合僧團、及回向所有功德主們事事順心如意、消災解厄、增褔増壽。
India 印度
1. Shachukul Gonpa Ladakh India
2. Shushul Gonpa Ladakh India
3. Chephel Shedrupling Nunnery Ladakh India
4. Liker Monastery Ladakh India
5. Spituk Monastery Ladakh India
6. Thinksay Monastery Ladakh India
7. Dolma Ling Nunnery Dhramsala India
8. Geden Choeling Nunnery Dharmasala India
9. Chanchub Ling Nunary Dharamsalla India
10. Drepung Loseling Lukhil Khangtsen Karnataka India
11. Tashi Lhunpo Monastery Karnataka India
12. Drepung Gomang Ngari Khamtsan Karnataka India
13. Mahabodhi Buddha Vihara Hyderabad India
14. Maha Bodhi Society Bengaluru India
15. Drikung Kagyu College Dehradun India
16. Drikung Kagyu Samtenling Nunnery Dehradun India
17. Karma Thubstan Tashi Choling Phodong Gonpa Sikkim India
Nepal 尼泊爾
1. Karma Leksheyling Institute Nepal
2. Lowo Nyiphug Namdrol Norbuling Monastery Nepal
Bhutan 不丹
1. Rinchenling Buddhist College Bhutan
2. Karma Leksheyling Monastery and Nunnery Bhutan
3. Tshedrak Gompa Bhutan
China 中國
1. 江西省靖安縣寶峰寺
2. 江西省靖安縣法藥寺
3. 浙江省磐安縣安福禅寺
Taiwan 台灣
1. 圓光寺, Taiwan
2. 香光寺, Taiwan
3. 佛光山,Taiwan
4. 皓月精舍, Taiwan
5. 般若禪院 Taiwan
6. 法聚學院 Taiwan
Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡
1. Sri Bodhiraja Dharmayathanaya
Thailand 泰國
1. Wat Phrasrimahatat Bangkhen Bangkok Thailand
IBS Northern California Prison Program
曾所結緣。必不壊失! 🙏🙏
The IBS team would like to announce that a 15 days long prison visitation program for Northern California will begin on March 10. This is our first long trip for 2019 of which all coordinations are already in process with the Community Resource Managers at all institutions.
During this trip, besides delivering the Buddha Dharma to our Dharma sisters and brothers, also we are going to provide chanting books, Dharma books, DVDs, CDs, chanting beads and bookmarks at each Iron Temple.
IBS team is cordially inviting all our sponsors and volunteers to participate in this meaningful event. Any donations are sincerely appreciated and accepted.
Prison visitation schedule will be announced upon complete confirmation received.
For donation please contact:
9715 Carroll Center Rd.
Suite 105 San Diego CA 92126
TN. 619-450-3699
Email address: zhongibs@hotmail.com
無量壽經: 為世之明燈,乃人間最勝之福田
華嚴經: 慧燈可以破諸闇
華嚴經: 慧燈可以破諸闇
1) 視力良好如摩尼珠,能照微細物
2) 相貌莊嚴,得大福報
3) 心地清明,少為愚痴所轉
4) 生活安穩,衣食豐足
5) 身心自在,如意吉祥
1) 視力良好如摩尼珠,能照微細物
2) 相貌莊嚴,得大福報
3) 心地清明,少為愚痴所轉
4) 生活安穩,衣食豐足
5) 身心自在,如意吉祥
新春將至,美國菩薩寺現開放供燈,日期 年初一至年初四 ,上午十一時至下午七時,歡迎各位善信隨喜參與,隨緣樂助,(網路的信徒們也可以報名)。趁著一年之始,透過供燈來燃點各人心中的「自性燈」,以光明和智慧照亮來年,也藉由燃燈供佛,求諸佛菩薩加佑,期願各人願望達成。我們也能為關愛的親友及普世大眾供燈祈福,把心意和祝福迴向家人眷屬,與及一切有情.
1. Shirley Tam and Family
2. Rame and family
3. 鍾美娥 闔家
4. Tan Kok Kiong and Family
5. Swan Koh
6. Tan Jin Jie
7. Tan Shi Yu
8. Koh Ah Tiam
9. Tan Peh Teng
10. Charlotte Koh
11. 柔月合家
12. Ooi Leang 合家
13. 李华坤合家
14. 李丽艳
15. 陈紫芸
16. 杨敏镐
22. 任明新 (往生者)
23. 任廷龍
24. 任智心
25. 陳怡穎
26. 陳志彰
27. 陳怡任
29. Thomas Wu and Family
30. Yuen Wai Yee
31.Yuen Kui Yiu and family
32. Lam Yuk Fan and family
33. Chin Mun Chi and family
34. Leung Shuk Han and family
35. Yuen Fung Lin and family
36. Yapp Nyet Lan and family
37. Fong Mei Choo and family
38. Fong Kim Ching and family
39. Pang Nyuk Sang and family
40. Fong Kim Choo and family
41. 吴瑞中合家
42. Sydny Ang and family
43. Leanne Chen and Family
44. Richard Ng and Family
45. 李刚(往生者)
46. 楊璐菡(法名:海蓮)闔家
47. 周源丰合家
48. Huan Poh Chin
49. Wong Mooi Seng
50. Teh Poh Choo
51. Ng Shwe Lan
52. Nicholas Gan & Charlotte Wong
53. Ho Ro Bin & Family
54. Ngawang & Family
55. Tan Ynu Ting & Family
56. Beh Choi Hoang
57. Vivien Foo
58. Mei Wong
59. Pua Moy Eng, Ng Swee Choon & Family
60. Wendy Boey & Family
61. 蘇雪妮
62. Celine Chia
63. Rose Chan & Family
64. Tan Gaik Lan
65. Bernice Then
66. 黄金晏合家
67. Jincui Li & Family
68. Lim Farn Siew & Family
69. Lai Yoke Kooi & Family
70. Lai Fei Loong & Family
71. Lai Fei Siong & Family
72. Lai Fei Sin & Family
73. Ng Yoke Har & Family
74. Wong Mun Yee
75. Tee Leong Hoe
76. Chong Yoke San
77. Phoong Fee Khoon, Kau Chee & Family
78. Richard Chee & Family
79. Lim Hua Bi & Family
80. Desmond Ang
81. Adeline Lee & Family
82. Mah Siew Mei & Family
83. Chin Weng Peng
84. Siew Peng Kuan
85. Keng Yee Peng
86. Tan Wai Loon & Lee Sheng Yee
87. Tan Pei Lee & Chia Tong Tuck
88. Eveline Lee
89. Royston Ng
90. Lee Tang Lye
91. Nelly Soh
92. Liew Huey Pin
93. Chong Yoke Fong
94. Wee Ya Yu
95. Catherine Lim
96. Lee Chai Yut
97. Tan Siew See
98. Lai Pei Nyuk
99. Tay Sio Hoon
100. Tan Siang Chen
101. Siow Shiau Fui
102. Tan Fu Yang
103. Chua Fen Nee
104. Joyce Teh
105. Stanley Tio
108. 黄雅玉
109. 陈慕滙
110. 郑春婷 (Juvy Tee)
111. 王水莉
112. 郑春婷
113. 郑春凤
114. 陈梅花
115. 廖树容
116. Fa Yun's Devotees
117. Rosaline Wong and Family
118. 楊和光闔家
119. 牛桂蘭(法名:靈真 往生者)
127. 林麗芬闔家
128. 林麗芳闔家
129. 鍾伍茘蘭
130. 劉朱綺梅
131. 劉燕華
132. 劉雪敏
136.杨山 (往生者)
137. 蔡敬星
144. kevin Liu
146. Ng Lai Huat (往生者)
149. 黃思谊
150. 黃恩欣
152.Chang Siang Yuh
153.Jennifer Goh
154.Chen Seng Wen
155.Chang Chew Yen
156.Darren Goh
157.Connie Choong
158.Karen Bok
159.Kwai Foong
162.kevin & Kelly
163.Kc Koh
164.Annis Bong
166.Candy Lim
167.Norman Sim
168.Hong Ah Mooi
169.Darren Ong
170.Sharon Khor
171.Alex Lai
173.Chang you Sheng
174.Ann Choong
175.Wong Yee Chong
176.Caren Cheah
177.Gan Kim Family
178.Sherine Ong
179.Jiz Ling
180.Ang Siok Kee Family
181.Ang Sock Tin family
182.Ang Sok Lian Family
183.Ang Kheng Hui Family
184.Ang Tian Ser(往生者)
185.Vivian Teo
186.Nai Kim Chuan
187.Ashlyn Nai
188.Pearly Chua
189.Richley Da Phua
190.Richly Rye Phua
191.Jasmine Soh
192.Fong Pei Ting
193.Heidi Chong
194.Sam Tay
195.Grace Low
196.Ang Lay Hong
197.Goh Ah Huat
198.Chang You Sheng
199.Claire Soo
200.Christina Wong
201.Callen Aw
202.Chelsia Tan
204.Joey Tan
205.Adeline Ng
206.Stephanie Ng
207.Goh Yee Fong
208.Goh Gui Foong
209.Chey Wan
211.Max Tan
212.Camellia Chin
213.Ola Qin
215.Peggy Yong
216.Richard Teo
217.Cheong Huat Keong
218.Molly Yap
219.Chines koo
220.P G Nai
221.Qin Yau Min
222.Zhang Jun Ye
223.Qin Ke
224.Qin Jian
225.Liu Yan
226.Vipi Chua
227. Ric Tan
228. Raja Shanmugum
229. Endora Lim
230. Tan Chai Fun
231.Liu Chenyuan
232.Crystal Heng
233.Ether Ong
234.Cathetine Yu
235.Reco Tan
236. 章凌嘉闔家
237. 郑姗娥阖家
239. 鄧家豪
240. 鄧國昇合家
241. Simon Tam and Family
242. Raymond Tam and family
243. Glen Hum and family
244. Sui Ma and family
245. Vivien Tam
246. 盧俞彤闔家
247. 丘葦儂
248. Susanna Wong and family
249. Katherine Wong Klumpe and family
250. Leslie Wong Guido and family
251. Jackie Lo and family
252. Michael Kao and family
253. I-Wen Huang and family
254. Tony Hsia and family
255. 鍾阿耀
256. Lim Kim Soon N family
257. Tan Chye Thiam & Family
258. Tan Yuan Hua & Family
259. Tan Cheong Hua & Family
260. Tan Jun Guang & Family
261. Jing Lovinger family and friends
262. Hui-Chuan Chen and family
263. 余绣琴 合家
264. Mei Hao Chang and family
265. Kevin Fong S. Su family
266. Tsering Tashi
267. Tashi tundup
268. Tsering Norboo
269. Tsering Dolkar
270. Tsering Sonam
271. Tsering Chorol
272. Tsewang dorjay
273. Tsering motup
274. Sonam Chorol
275. Deachan Chorol
276. Ishey Lhamo
277. Jamyang dorjay
278. Padma thinlass
279. Stanzin yangdol annu
280. Kunzang dolma
281. Padma ladol
282. Stanzin tundup
283. Tsering Yangskit
284. Skarma mendol
285. Tsetan nagail
286. Stanzin Rinchen otsal
287. Jigmat lobzang
288. Skarma zesla
289. Skarma sochos
290. Jennifer Chang-Ha and Family.
291. Kun Chung Lien and family
292. Frederick Hongyee Wen and family
293. Punched Angchok
294. Punchok Tashi
295. Tsewang Dorjey Damar
296. Tsewang Yangjor
297. Stanzin Gurmet
298. Tsewang Dorjey chirpon
299. Sonam Namgail
300. Tsewang Rigzen
301. Tsewang Morup
302. Motup Namgail
303. Jamyang Dorjey
304. 鍾阿耀
305. Robert Hsiao
306.Kyle F Hsiao
307. Ethan P Hsiao
308. Connor William Hsiao
309. PeiChi Fu
310. 陳貴英
311.Kavin 何
312. 老張裝修 闔家
313. Evonne 的貓 Jeff
314. 謝益昌 闔家
315. 張志卿
316. 張敏郎(又仁)闔家
317. 張晉維 闔家
318. 張雅智 闔家
319. 張蔓楓 闔家
320. 戴月 闔家
321. 蘇麗美 闔家
322. 文艷芬 闔家
323. 丁麗華老師 闔家
324. 林杰燊 闔家
325. 李昭毅 闔家
326. 紐約 許柏勝 闔家
327. 台灣省雲林縣林內 通天宮 江老師
328. 張雅琳 Evonne
329. 黄志扬 & 張巧葉
330. 黄儀雯 闔家
331. 黃儀凱 闔家
332. 黃禕烽 闔家
333. 黃金荷 (往生者)
334. 潘少權 闔家
335. 黎秀珠 闔家
336. 潘耀盛 & 黃靖橋
337. 王丽 阖家
339. 姚忠輝闔家
340. 林美吟合家
341. 吴柳兰阖家
342. 任正非 & 孟晚舟阖家
343. 严礼勤
344. 陈礼勤
345. 何沭潮合家
346. 陈登华合家
347. 曾平娇合家
348. 王天龙合家
349. 苏云海合家
350. 林素鈴
351. 黃歆惠
352. 林芯瑜
353. 黃郁純
354. 黃蓓儒
355. 黃俊瀚
356. 林至宏
357. 林雅慧
358. 林沐臻
359. 石燦豪
360. 黄宽仁
361. 陈冬菊
362. 郑毓珮老夫人by(往生者)
363. 陈炳泉合家
364. 许春仪合家
368. Lee Peck Lian and ES Tan & Family
369. Arnel Ubosa Vanzuela and family
370. Jimmy Ubosa Vanzuela
371. Shara Ubosa Vanzuela
372. 劉長土
373. 劉嘉誠 闔家
374. 劉香宛 闔家
375. Kenneth Kelly family
376. Jeff Weintraub family
377. Thomas mc Namara family
378. 官伯融闔家
379. 李銀鳳
380. 徐芳蘭
381. 王梅芳闔家
382. 洪麗珊闔家
383. 柯麗淑
384. Andy Kwan & Family
385. Davis Kwan & Family
386. Benny Kwan
387. 惜緣合家
388. Huiyuan L & Family
389. Daniel L & Family
390. Susan S & Family
391. Andrew C & Family
392. 珠吉合家
393. 劉玉林
394. 王云波
395. 王思雨合家
396. 秦鴻飛合家
397. 秦宏發合家
398. 唐燕桃合家
399. 周張氏 (往生者)
400. 張操修 (往生者)
401. Yvonne Su & Family
402. 伯松合家
403. 王雪霞合家
404. 羅憶南合家
405. 王絹珠全家
409. 黃佩真全家
410. 郭燕飛
411. 田義隆
412. 吳鶯蘭
413. 吳秀鳳
414. 龔秀琴
415. 謝敏明
416. 丁傑明
417. 黃月光
418. 陳圖強
419. 張麗真
420. Andy Chen
421. Diana Chen
422. 朱詩芑
423. 李鳳蘭
424. 蔣松濤
425. 曾筱琴
426. 陳碧珠
427. 郭美蘭
428. 關桃蓮
429. 馬荷鳯
430. 陳珏如
431. 吳桂娣
432. 許妙香
433. 邱偉彬
434. 劉慧菁
435. 葉玉銀
436. 葉月友
437. 梁鈺愛
438. 陳慧卿
439. 陳慧芳
440. 葉振
441. 卓玉枝
442. 胡明藻
443. 趙松愛
444. 陳巧芬
445. 劉春君
446. 許桂生
447. 張雪霞
448. 林淑貞
449. 孫玉珍
450. 申永光
451. 劉鳳芸
452. 彭慧玲
453. Karen Kehoe
454. 張瀞文
455. 黃瑞芳
456. 宋貞真合家
457. 顔佑財
458. 林抒璉
459. 顏誌緯
460. 顔志皓
461. 顏志光
462. 顔妏芠
463. 顔孜玲
464. 楊镇菱
465. 楊舒蓁
466. 杨裋䣁
467. 杜薇
468. 顔袺僖
469. 杜新峰
470. 宋德芝
471. 杜渐
472. 刘嫘
473. 陈英烈
474. 郑玉文
475. 郑源成阖家
476. 陈雅萍
477. 司徒福庆(往生者)
478. 陳柯名合家
479. 焦昱
480. 陳澤原
481. 陳賢燁
482. 廖礼蓉
483. 黃子建
484. 吳亭亭
486. 林智敏
487. 林治平
488. 甘郁蓮
489. 林宛萱
490. 林欣慧
496. 乐有胜
文章 (Atom)